Pull the plug on customer service?
Posted June 5th, 2013 at 12:04 amComments Closed
Business owners work hard. Marketing plans? Check. Ambiance? Check. Menus? Check. Yet everyday, customers step through the door and perform an about-face. Sometimes they never make it to the door. Could there be something more important than food? Than money? Try a dead phone.
Not much can ruin a day/night quicker for the average smartphone user than running out of juice when on-the-go. Have you see what your customers will do to reach the one or two outlets in your establishment? That’s assuming they brought a charger of their own. If they didn’t, how can they enjoy your happy hour specials from the car, or home? Or perhaps they are asking your wait staff to take their $300+ device behind a counter somewhere.
Let’s face it. Smartphones are here to stay. Customers talk, and they can sing praises or…. Charge your customer’s devices and they will love you for it. How much more can you make with an extra customer per day? Per hour?
Compete on customer service, and create a happier experience and a loyal customer. FoneFill Chargers provide easy phone charging at the table, never requiring nearby power outlets or customer device separation.